Vi är mycket stolta att presentera det senaste tillskottet till Skämtåsido-familjen. Jeff Kievlet är ett av Holywoods många okända försök till skådespelare. Han har varit statist i till exempel Tranformers. I år hoppas han på att få sitt stora genombrott.
För att bli populärare på den svenska marknaden har han ställt upp på att göra uppdrag åt Skämåsido som han sedan kommer rapportera in. Han gör detta också för att Rickard har tjatat på honom en längre tid.
Greetings, Jeff Kievlet, in sunny California! The Orange state is that correct?
– That's what they tell me. But it looks more green to me. (akward pause)
So you agree to be a part of the skämtåsido team?
– Yes, I understand that you are quite popular in Sweden. As an actor I'm always trying to get my face out there.
We've heard thet you are also a waiter.
–Yes. Just temporarly.
What pays the rent, acting or watering?
– Well watering. For now atleast.
Are you doing any acting at the moment?
– I'm attached to a screenplay. Can't give you any more information. It's all very hush hush. But I'll tell you this: Carlie Sheen might be the director.
Charlie Sheen? Really, is he aware of this?
– Like I said very hush hush.
Then tell us about your first mission for Skämtåsido.
– Well, you guys want me to attend a fancy celeberity party in the hills. I don't think it's gonna be that big of a problem. My friend Mike's parnts are out of town and he's gonna host the party.
So you are going to try to host a party. Do you know any celebrities?
– Well, when I was at the set of Transformers i talked a few times with Sean Hampton.
He's been in a few productions. I think we made a good connection. He's doing alot of extra work right now.
Well good luck to you Jeff. We'll hear your report next week. Only on Skämtåsido, Swedens most unappreciated humorblogg.